Thursday, 11 January 2007

The Project

We have as main objective to open a route on the NW face of the fourth peak. Secondary objectives are ice climbing in Shuanqiaogou, Chanpingou and opening new alpine routes in the area.

As far as the main objective is concerned the plan is to attempt a new line on the main wall of Siguniang NW, somewhere to the right (as facing the wall) of the ice line climbed in 2002 by Fowler and Ramsden. Our time frame is 3 to 25 February 2007. This will be the first ever winter attempt to climb the fourth peak of Siguniang shan which makes the challenge even greater. We intend to approach the wall in style big wall and we are looking at some mixed and ice climbing if reaching the serac that is looming over the face. The estimate height of the wall is over 1000m.


L’expédition est prévue sur 4 semaines au total pour une présence effective “ à pied d’oeuvre ” de 3 semaines , du 3 au 25 fevrier 2007. C’est la première tentative hivernale sur le Siguniang Shan , notre choix se porte sur l’ouverture d’une voie nouvelle, car c’est bien là l’objectif le plus motivant dans cette face qui offre encore de très nombreuses possibilités d’ouverture.

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