Monday, 12 February 2007

Still setting camps

we stayed in BC a couple of days. Now we moving it up to 4050m and we hope to set up ABC at around 4900m. we met an englishman, Rufus, who has plans of his own here. Everybody is OK.



Anonymous said...

From petit indien

My dear Dad,
I hope the weather is good for you and your friends. I wish you enjoy what you do. Here it is snowing. We are preparing our trip. See you soon in China,

All my love,

Petit Indien

Anonymous said...


üdvözlet az egész csapatnak.
próbálom figyelemmel kísérni az eseményeket,de konyhaangolom ezt megnehezíti.lenne arra mód,hogy pár naponta egy rövid magyar összefoglalót közöljetek?
előre is köszönet,minden jót

Anonymous said...

Good news, so far. Leave you a quick coment just to let you know you are read everyday. How is the weather, still OK? Or snowing ?

Gros Bisous à toute l'équipe et un bisous special à Leslie de la part des Cheyennes

Unknown said...

Nusu,ne gandim la tine! Speram sa va intoarceti toti cu bine.

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