Monday, 5 February 2007


We arrived yesterday to Rilong. As ususal I took advantage of my headache to talk to a bucket last night. The boys seem excited about being here and so am I. Never really been in such a big group before, usually climbing by myself or in a team of two so the sight of so much luggage took me aback a bit. Seems like i underestimated our need of horses. I thought 4 or 5 but we ended up with 8 for the way in and we agreed for 6 for the way out. He San Ge, our local contact is quite helpful and my meagre mandarin seems to be doing the trick.

This morning we were supposed to set off but tiredness and lack of sorting out the gear the night before made us delay the departure for BC for tomorrow morning. Just as well since this helps with acclimatisation. We are at 3260m altitude and will set up BC at 3900m with the hope for an ABC at 4700 but will see to that. In BC doen't seem like we will have phone network but I was assured by HSG that we will have on the top of the mountain. So i guess will better get to that top so we can call home or otherwise will be carying our little devices for nothing...

I am optimistic (when sunny), maybe a bit too much according to Leslie, but what does he know...I'll show him when I make that call...

Weather is good although a bit cool, and we are in good shape - litle surprise though since we are still in the village.

Till next message all our best wishes to those at home and those thinking about us!

PS: something I forgot to do and here is as good a place as any: many thanks to my friends who helped in no small way in different ways over the last few days - Calvin, Geordie and Jeff - cheers on you mate!


Anonymous said...

I like Rilong, basking, drinking, and climbing there

Anonymous said...

Hello Nusu, Hello all,

Fine weather and good luck!
So today you will go towards base camp. I didn’t know that this BC and ABC means, but I have asked a colleague of mine and he told me :)

I hope you are all fine and healthy and that you are working fine as a team.
Good luck again and we are waiting news from you (hope that you will have phone network soon).

In Brasov the weather is fine, in weekend snowed.

Best wishes from home,

Anonymous said...

Hello Leslie and the whole team,

Seems that the connection does not work like you thought initially. You must settled now in BC, and hope already in BCA, starting the new route opening. I cross my fingers and a big M.... for this climb. Big thoughts to all of you, and a special one for Leslie.

Veronique & Gwladys